Midwest Pressed
Broken Gesture, Screenprint on Panel, 36"x28"
“We want to steer the process and be run over by it simultaneously.”
Midwest Pressed is the collaborative artist duo of Aaron Wilson and Tim Dooley, who live and work in Cedar Falls, Iowa (USA). Their approach to color is tastelessly compelling and their approach to printmaking is a combination of punk rock and magic. Tim and Aaron’s merging of high and low aesthetics are created with generative screen-printing processes and other layered graphic media. Currently they are working on printed interactive sonic installations.
How does color represent or support the mind space of your work?
We are interested in the way that color expands the mind space of our work in an exponential manner. It allows for seduction and introspection. We are not ashamed of the psychedelic nature of our decisions as it is an area that we like to reside.
How does the printmaking process itself relate to how you work with color?
Layering is a challenging aspect of printmaking that allows for the generation of complex relationships that can be simultaneously subtle and brutal. This aspect of the process appeals to us, as a collaborative team, to engage a discussion about how to respond to an artwork. We want to steer the process and be run over by it simultaneously.
Feedback Loop, Screenprint on Panel, Mixed-Media, (wall panel 8'x10')
Pre-Meme, 6'x32', screenprint on panel
Pre-Meme (detail), 6'x32', screenprint on panel
What can printmaking ink achieve regarding color in your work that no other material can?
We see ink application in layers that provide a 'jump scare' moment. Just as important is the static truth that the dried ink layers provide, allowing for contemplation of the next move.